Posted on 2014/08/19 by

The Minecraft Servers and the Concept of Digital Ruins

Well, I’ve been active on the modded server a while now. Long enough to have learnt a lot of the ins and outs of the new systems. Basically, I had to re-learn Minecraft on the modded server as there was so much new content. As I was exploring however on one of the many new features, in this case a broomstick which was lent to me, I noticed many structures across the land. I had previously learned that some of the users don’t log into the server anymore. I found this interesting as the original/first server that I worked on was in a similar state, a digital plain which featured a few impressive structures that were now abandoned, just standing there without anyone living there or interacting with it. These places as well as the whole vanilla server as a whole have a sort of “ghost town” feel to it. Even though the structures and bases would look the same with people in it, the lack of an active chat feed and signs of life and progress are no more.

I brought this concept up briefly in my previous entry but I would like to explore it a bit more and how nothing can effect the commons and what it can mean for the new BFC and what it has done to the first one. It’s quite something to build something as impressive as a fully functioning Colosseum or Atlantis in the sky and just leave it there forgotten and unused. When venturing onto the vanilla server, it get a sense of eerie abandonment, as if a terrible apocalypse has ensued and I’m the sole survivor. That being said, it puts me or any other player at an advantage as the player becomes in a position where looting “un-owned” items  is possible, as no one will report or be upset by the loss of their more important items. There for the commons as whole takes a new meaning all together as all property technically becomes part of the commons for that individual, free for him or her to take.

This applies to BFC in a way. To begin with, BFC is designed to dispense free resources, cooked chicken, to the player. So it makes no difference if the player on the server is looting from BFC to begin with, it’s the same profit. But tampering with the mechanics of it is quite another. It appears someone may have griefed (also known as tampered with) the original BFC as the mechanics of the delivery system won’t work, so while we profited before, we can no longer anymore and any new players who may join the server when life returns, so to speak, will be without the complete gift that is BFC. In terms of the modded server, will the BFC become a go destination that all will use or does self farming as many users do render the BFC a mere gimmick to become abandoned over time.  Time shall tell.

In terms of the abandoned works, I think it would be interesting to see what would happen if life became reintegrated into the vanilla server, either my new classes or projects and what they would do to the established order. Will they tear down what is already there, add to or leave the projects alone as if there were ancient monuments left over from a by gone era?

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